We are told about the frightening liability side of the global ledger is in the hundreds of trillions (some 200 trillion in U.S. alone when calculating unfunded liabilities like pension and SS), and even in the quadrillions when factoring in the derivative markets (2.5 quadrillion according to this analyst). Equivalent to $2,500 trillion Dollar, that's a massive figure considering global GDP is $80 trillion, but offsetting some of these liabilities are assets, and there is allegedly a hidden asset side to this global balance sheet one might call stolen assets. Forbes Magazine posts the list of billionaires, but never name the trillionaires, who may have hidden cash and fixed assets; treasures reaped over the centuries by invading armies don’t just disappear. Precious metals and gems keep getting dug up over these centuries, but unlike regular commodities like oil, they’re not used up, and the storehouse grows and grows, But where are these storehouses? Who tracks these off-ledger assets? Is there anything to this White Spiritual Boy off-ledger accounts that show many quadrillions? The Feds refuse to audit Fort Knox and it’s not likely because there’s an excess amount found there, though they post $11 trillion in holdings on the balance sheet, higher than other nations. So this accumulation has to be stored somewhere and in secrecy. Rumors have it that in this global war few seem to recognize, many quadrillions of these precious metals illicitly acquired have been located underground in hundreds of miles of tunnels and during this wa have been secreted back to nations around the globe that have agreed to share this newfound wealth and distribute to their citizenry, with certain conditions. Some call this agreement Gesara. Pundits say not so fast with this scenario. Massive wealth redistribution will create massive inflation as 7.5 billion people with a lot of pocket change to spend will force prices of limited goods much higher, negating the benefits. But with this redistribution of stolen assets, begotten by massive corruption, also comes hidden technologies like free energy that drives down the cost of producing everything and energizes mass production of goods and the services that come with this economic revolutionary expansion. So much of this recovered wealth will drive these new technologies and create abundance, and folks around the world will invest excess cash and receive additional benefits from the return on investment. Cheap energy will turn deserts into oasis and farmland (the Sahara Desert is larger than the continental U.S), as the costs to desalinate and distribute potable water will be minimal. Recycling down to the original molecular structure will clean up the environment. Robots will do the heavy lifting in production. Yes, sounds like a pipe dream, but who would have believed in 2019 the world would be entering 3 years of a continuing nightmare conspiracy to depopulate the world? This dream-like scenario also sounds a lot like the phrase the meek shall inherit the Earth, while the corrupt get siphoned out of the system. It is said that the new distribution system will have as it’s center piece a quantum computer network that swaps fiat paper currency with gold backed notes and digital currency with no middleman or government involved—totally decentralized. The corrupt will be left holding the bag of worthless fiat paper as there will be an instant quantum computer audit of the use of their existing cash holdings and not be allowed into the new system. All debts, including mortgages and credit cards, will be paid off and cleared from the old ledger, paying off legitimate note holders, or so the scenario goes. Meanwhile the tug of war continues but may be coming to a finale soon after the mid-term elections and collapse of the old guard system. It could get somewhat tumultuous in this transition so best to stock up on goods, cash on hand, and silver.
In contract law, an exception to meeting a certain obligation due to unforeseen events is called Force majeure
Investopedia: "Force majeure is a French term that literally means “greater force.” It is related to the concept of an act of God, an event for which no party can be held accountable, such as a hurricane or a tornado. However, force majeure also encompasses human actions, such as armed conflict.
Generally speaking, for events to constitute force majeure, they must be unforeseeable, external to the parties of the contract, and unavoidable.
Events that could potentially trigger a force majeure clause include war, terrorist attacks, and a pandemic, or natural disasters that fall under the “act of God” category, such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane."
Given that a) the Dollar (not to mention other national currencies) is a promissory note, and the world is awash in these fiat currencies with skyrocketing national debts that can never be repaid, b) and central banks are teetering (BOE boss said Tuesday their asset purchase of government debt will end Friday and no longer able to support stable rates, while Forbes Magazine asks what's going on at Credit Suisse and other reports are they selling their main office building in Switzerland for some liquidity, and while Feds suddenly loan the Swiss $3.1 billion in overnight funds c) and seemingly insane global nuclear war threats started by the West (central bankster Cabal), a force majeure may just be the ticket for the Cabal attempt to wipe the financial slate clean and usher in their Global Reset plans where we will "own nothing and be happy."
It is said this war pits one quantum computer projection of future event scenarios against the other in a no holds barred, winner take all battle for Earth in a war most don't even see now, but will in the future, given a final Earth Alliance victory. It is said that Galactic rules prevail with a no nukes allowed defense shield (see below), and more he-said-she-said rumors flowing this A.M, albeit others will say a global financial collapse must occur first:
1) A Red October Supreme Court Announcement that SCOTUS has invalidated and overturned the 2020 Election, will change everything.
2) Fake Biden would be out, the November mid-term Election canceled, voter fraud fully exposed, the public would finally learn the truth about the stolen election, plus the announcement would create an interim President Trump with the military in control that opened the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to begin explaining it all.
3) The Military would be in control to continue cleaning house and organize a Special Election which fit in with the legally needed 120 days from announcement to Election Day (Oct. 2022 to Jan. 2023), that was bound to see Trump’s return to office by January 2023. 4) These next six months will be very bumpy until March 2023. Right now we are under Military Rule but in the next six months we will see the Military come out in the open. 5) There has been a failed coup by the Deep State (Chinese Communist Party/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Vatican/ Blackrock and DAVOS Group) led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset. The Coup ended last week with CCP members arrested and executed by the Alliance. On Sun. 16 October the Chinese plan to announce their new political stance as a Republic. Physical Silver and gold along with storable food are our best defenses dealing with these unknowns. (MPM is not a financial advisor company, and simply are describing what we personally do based on the information available).
The change for the world is right around the corner and looks nothing like the chaos of today, which features the threat of plague, famine, and then war (nuke war at that). Yes, all disasters in the past either started with plague, famine, and then war, or in slightly different orders, but always these three. What the future should reveal fairly soon is these chaotic events of the past and present were all planned, essentially by the same family group over the past couple centuries, and the theme is constant: out of chaos comes control. Like a mafia control group, these people have rooted themselves over time in all governments, corporations, religious organizations, and media using bribery and coercion to control behavior. Read more...
The White Hats had to allow these very nefarious people to show how bad they were, allowing us to come to a precipice like we see today, before initiating military response under guidance of COG, Continuity Of Government following a declaration of emergency. This was done before Trump left office, which turned authority over to the military, until the emergency is formally announced as over by Congress--an illegal gathering of a defunct corporation, by the way, with most operating as puppets of the NWO (easy puppets to spot: those that support mandatory vaccination or RINOs who are silent about a stolen 2020 election). A key element is knowing that the U.S. Corporation is bankrupt, and debts will be dissolved under the Restored Republic, and called that because the corporation of the U.S. was silently created in 1871 to back central bankster loans following the Civil War. A clue to what's coming is Trump last week seen standing next to a flag with no stars, presumably awaiting official entry of states into the newly restored system, and these new financial and government systems will carry same theme: decentralization (devolution), putting the power back into the hands of citizens, and dissolves the secrecy that hides new technology. But like any major insurrection ousting the worldwide old guard, it's going to get rough before it gets better.
Policy of no nukes allowed confirmed and enforced by those “other unnamed groups," or so the rumor goes. Further rumors say that the Starlink satellite network is operated by a quantum computer control system and capable of shooting down any nuclear missile launch. Back on 9-12-22, a German legislator warned 9-24-2022 will be a day everyone will remember exactly where they were. On the 24th, social media showed missile defense missiles launched in St. Petersburg. Was this a Cabal initiated attack on Russia to start WWIII, and taken out by Starlink network defense shield created by the Earth Alliance?
There are, and have been for some time, two diametrically opposed realities, as told by mainstream news organizations and alternative news sources. It's easy to spot the controlled group as they read from the same script daily in their presentations ( ie, pushers of an experimental vaxx for children where zero threat exists). So similar are they throughout the world would indicate they are receiving instructions of what to call news and commentary from a very centralized platform, while alternative media is completely decentralized, much like the wild, wild West of the 1800s with their decentralized rules governed by small towns, individual reputations at stake, and rule of law enforced by local sheriffs (webmasters in this case). Ironically, the most trusted media in surveys are the weather reporters, yet not a single one dare mention the word chemtrails (which has been obvious to the naked eye over the years) or geo-engineering that could bring rain to the West instead of man-made droughts and 500 year floods. Open that door and the public starts asking questions. This all part of the information warfare. When one looks closely, the news or commentary is usually based on "unnamed sources" or he said, she said flimsy testimony, or maybe bald-faced lying statements from a compromised individual or group, all of which requires listeners to "discern" what the truth is from there. So discern this latest rumor mongering news from the alt-media world put out yesterday, and only involves one term: Shadow Docket. Just 2 days ago, Trump demanded he either be named President or require new elections immediately due to the fraudulent elections. From Wikipedia, The shadow docket is the use of emergency orders and summary decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States without oral argument...It is used when the Court believes an applicant will suffer "irreparable harm" if its request is not immediately granted.
Should this happen, the smell of burning rubber meeting the road from opposing forces will likely arise quickly in major cities--but it will also signal the beginning of the end of the road for these global reckless and maniacal drivers that have bankrupted nations, and squandered multi-trillions, and kept hidden over 6000 patents on technologies that will create great abundance from free energy (ie, turning deserts into oasis and farmlands with inexpensive desalination plants throughout places like the Saraha desert), advanced communications, transportation, medical technology, and total restructuring of taxation and government called devolution. Another term repeated in alt-media worth reviewing: Project Bluebeam, and recent calls by Congress to deal with potential threat by UFOs that has "grown exponentially." Real or imagined? That will require a good bit of discernment should the skies suddenly reveal this age-old technology and Cabal plot to frighten the population into a New World Order.
All markets, including real estate, and the humans within them, revolve around and are influenced by truths, half-truths, and bald face lies. Some hide it well, while others, called conspiracy theorists, step out of the mainstream media matrix, having seen these bad actors before that make markets rise and fall, and happy masses turn miserable. The latest stage being set comes from Europe and central banker Lagarde:
LISBON, June 29 -- European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde said on Wednesday that the world "will not return to the low-inflation environment" before the COVID-19 pandemic..."There are forces that have been unleashed as a result of the pandemic, and as a result of this major geopolitical shock that we are facing right now, that is going to change the framework and the scenario in which we operate," she said at the ECB annual forum, held in Sintra, west of Lisbon. Combine that message with Klaus Schwab message, founder of WEF, in his book: COVID-19: THE GREAT RESET, and an old social-political technique that motivates the masses called problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, await public outcry, and then ride in with solutions that enrich the instigators. With secret meetings galore amongst the global elites, it is not difficult to spin her words that might be heard behind closed doors back in 2018-2019 after COVID-19 was patented, COVID swabs mass produced in China, and Gates Foundation completed their beta test of global deaths from a virus pandemic: "It is now time to RELEASE THE FORCES and close down the economies of the world for a better future for all of us." But like George Carlin once joked, "it's a big club and you ain't in it." Intel sources say the military is making room to house this "big club" on this Independence Day to remember for decades to come.
This "big club" is getting squeezed from all angles as its debt system of skimming off the top of ever-inflated fiat Dollars and global market manipulations are getting challenged. More and more countries are joining a new trading group called BRICS outside of the G-7 with a gold backed system of national currencies that will not be subject to endless Dollar printing and the inflation and economic calamities it creates, controlled through the international clearing house call the SWIFT system. Ironically, this was pushed into high gear when NATO forced Russia out of the SWIFT system, along with Western boycotts that will hurt their citizens the most this winter without fuel. Eventually, as other Western nations see their fiat Dollars slipping away in purchase power, they too would likely join a new global system which many refer to as the Quantum Financial System (quantum= point-to-point instant connection and no wave frequencies, thus eliminating cell towers, wi-fi tracking, cabling, and introducing free energy that would revolutionize the world). The system will give populations full sovereignty and control of their individual assets (sans government, corporation, and social media intervention and spying), and voids the need for income taxes as governments shrink down in a devolutionary pattern, handing control to people at more local levels. Starlink awaits deactivation of current system in order to deliver this new system.
All The World is but a Stage Act XIV: Holographic Messaging
As the curtain rises, smoke-making machines crank up, with holographic images of space craft high above shooting laser-like bolts at cardboard cutouts of city landscape of tall buildings set deep in the background stage. The audience gasps despite backstage crew setting up cue cards for the audience that read: “artificial smoke and harmless to breath.” Lights then focus on the edge of the stage to an actor wearing a Klaus Schwab mask standing behind a podium, and in German accent calling for a new world order to battle these invaders. Audience applauses on the technological aspect as the curtain falls, then rises again after a short break. The audience gasps yet again in disbelief as standing before them are President John F Kennedy and his son, JFK Jr. holding Princess Di's hand, all taking bows at thunderous audience applause. Each take turns at the podium to explain their back-ground, why they had disappeared from public view, and what the previous act was all about. The implications were profound, and the presentations were so surreal it made the faint of heart reel in confusion; but many took these as clues that a massive set of world-changing documents and disclosures would follow in the very next act. Some actually took notes believing what they heard was more than just a 21st Century version of a Shakespearean play. One notetaker wrote: “EBS Mt. Weather, secret societies, Illuminati, Kazarian Mafia, Vatican-Buckingham
Palace- D.C. closed, Dracos, GFW,
planned famine, Gitmo, devolution, how much is a quad trillion , sell stocks in Disney, Walmart, Nickelodeon, Amazon, Duetsche Bank, Blackrock, Vanguard, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, Alphabet (Google et al), Facebook, smart phone manufacturers, big oil, utilities. Buy: Ripple, gold, silver, … do search on who making Q phones, QFS, Starlink."
Act XV: Disclosure
Once again, the curtain slowly rises with four actors dressed in military uniforms sitting behind a 10ft table with name plates suggesting they are generals representing U.S., China, Russia, and India. Behind them is a large screen lit up with banner that read THE ALLIANCE, but the lights suddenly go out. After seemingly endless delays, the production manager, flashlight in hand, apologizes and promises the show will go on another day when power is restored.
This concept of "stakeholder capitalism" was created by the same person and organization that insists you wash your clothes less frequently (see article below), and recently envisioned we plebs owning nothing, and we will be happy. While the concept of corporations looking at more than just the bottom line, but also consequences of their actions, is a good one, it's a far more important matter of who's running the show, controlling the rules of the game. In a plutocracy, elites controlling corporations govern and run the show, similar to what is happening now in less than covert fashion: social media banning alternative news, censoring political thought and leaders, even the President of the U.S., mainstream news outlets getting their daily script from up high on the elite global corporate ladder (where the truth is very likely found running in the opposite direction of the scripts), corporate owned banks freezing assets of government protesters and their sympathizers. and corporations following illegal government mandates like experimental forced vaxx. Here we have governments around the world holding hands with pharmaceutical corporations, an industry reaping billions of Dollars a day that sought to hide vaxx experimental morbidity test results for the next 75 years from public view. The list gets very long when you include bribed and/or coerced government officials, who you could call corrupt "stakeholders" in corporate capitalism. There's merit to the concept, and will be highly touted by the elites, but the controlling elites are who to beware.
Ask any college student what the main emphasis is in school these days and no doubt it’s called sustainability. In order to improve life and the planet, they are taught of the need to limit consumption, expect less, limit population, and now as proposed by the World Economic Forum, even limit how often to wash your clothes each week. This goes back to political science and economics professors all professing these similar themes in The Population Bomb in the ‘70s which predicted world starvation by 2000. Next stop proposal is a credit card that enables tracking of ‘carbon footprint on every purchase’ and freezing the account. All government policies are driven on this need to sustain, and not to grow, but all that can change with access to new technologies, access being thwarted by old technology owners. Zero-point free energy systems like cold fusion promise the elimination of the fossil fuel power plant and replaced by a box generator in your own backyard and small enough to fit in the trunk of your car-- and only heavy water required to fuel it in a10yr cycle (so sorry for fossil fuel industry, and utility companies no longer needed, and globalists seeking control of energy use via worn out climate change legislation). Cheap energy creates abundance at low prices, as energy costs run through every level of production of goods and services. Population density is eliminated as vast swaths of deserts convert to arable lands (ie Sahara Desert is the size of continental U.S.) as would bleak desert stretches in the U.S. receive desalinated water pumped for thousands of miles on the cheap. Recycling of waste would take on a whole new meaning as technology already exists that breaks down material to its molecular structure, but not economically feasible due to the high cost of energy that is required. Need to get from point A to point B in a hurry? While Space Force is cruising around in TR-3s, the future commercialization of anti-gravity craft would make George Jetson envious, as San Diegans could visit Grandma in NY in 5 (that's 5 minutes not hours-see June 4th, 2019, article below titled: SIMPLY REVOLUTIONARY: PATENT BEYOND PENDING). So, this is the 4th Industrial Revolution rolling in and over the globalists with their version of the next industrial revolution involving depopulation (that scarcity thing is always on their minds) and transhuman biological control where "you will own nothing and will be happy." These are just a few of the secret technologies hidden by the elite few as over 6,000 patents are currently withheld from the public. Technology can be used for good or evil, and nanotechnology is a great example. While James Bond-type mad scientists engineer vaccine injections with nanobot devices for mind control, the father of nanotechnology, K. Eric Drexler, says in his book called Radical Abundance that this type of atomic precise manufacturing will revolutionize the way we make things. So, the first step to make the abundance theory a reality is the final victory in a heretofore unseen global war-- a war to wrestle away global government tyranny and economic control from these nefarious 20th Century owners of the by-products of the 3rd Industrial Revolution, and before they finish their form of industrial revolution--one injection at a time.
All The World is but a Stage Act XIII:
The Staging Is Set: Callin' a Kettle Black In Ukraine? No doubt a nuclear exchange with Russia is one industry advisory not necessary to relate its effect on the real estate industry. Cooler heads should prevail if enough recognize that it is the U.S. acting way out of line defending a border halfway around the world and the corrupt government there, and totally neglecting its own with millions flowing through, and some with nefarious
intent. An analogous scenario would be that Russia came to the rescue of a corrupt government in Mexico as the U.S. military sweeps through the northern borders of Mexico to clear out the Mexican Cartels involved with child and drug trafficking where U.S. fentanyl deaths doubled last year, mass killings of innocent Mexicans, and vicious MS-6 gangs infiltrating, One problem Russia doesn't have are the hundreds of thousands of illegal foreign immigrant men of military age running through a very porous border, all permitted by a corrupt Mexican government and their allies.
January 1st, 2022
SCRIPT-WRITING TALES OF A 2022 FORECAST/ Curtain Falls/New One Opens
All The World is but a Stage Act XII: For Whom The Bell Tolls?
The 2022 stage is set. Many in the audience can’t wait for it to be over and sense with rumors of war, this may be the final act, and the curtain will fall--but on whom? Wait, as the marque says this a double matinee with a new show following this aging script. Back stage, many actors don their masks, hiding who they really are. Some good, but many are bad. The bad ones act like they’re the good ones, fooling many in the audience who act like they have not seen this play before. Who writes the scripts, they wonder? As Mark Twain once said, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes, so much of the themes of this aging script and a new one in 2022 do involve history, but much of it hidden away in centuries-old vaults. The cast of characters will finally be unmasked and try to take a bow, but many will get the hook, and be drug off the stage, while others get standing ovations and will return to perform in the next show. While the new script is supposed to be a secret, performers and stage hands backstage talk amongst themselves about the real source of this new script, allegedly discovered in these old vaults in Rome that tell both a terrible tale of centuries torture and enslavement, followed by possible relief and a joyous ending. Who knew, they ask, that the manuscripts out of these vaults would reveal the forces controlling the world right up to 2020, and would be unmasked and vilified, and dragged from the stage in 2022? Further into the script shows, that with the bad actors removed, maps lead to massive hidden wealth and technologies-- much of the wealth begotten by corruption and obtained through the many wars these antagonists instituted. Many in the audience holding voucher certificates that bet things will continue as is will first be stunned and run to the exits, leaving vouchers behind. Those with a clearer head will wait for the ending, and be happy they did.
Antagonist: "For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee…It’s the END of the world!” (Audience gasps)
Protagonist:“No dummy. It’s the END of you!” (Audience applauds. Curtain drops)
What if there was a world war and nobody came? Or more realistically, if it was just outside the purview of the public using asymmetrical warfare tactics that disguise it--so well disguised that financial analysts missed it in their algorithmic projections? How goes the marketplace if this in fact is happening and discovered in the days or weeks ahead? If this were a war initiated from within and without, would deceptive strategies show up like military data points on a chalk board, such as a) information warfare that divides and censors the population, b) cyber attacks that cripple computer systems for
communication, and supply line infrastructures of food and energy, c) even including the use of weather warfare that create drought and massive fires in the West, hurricanes in the East, and floods in between, destroying food crops, poultry and beef production, d) blockage of imported goods, e) sabotage elections around the globe with bribes and coercion, f) massive infiltration of refugees in Europe and the U.S. of young males of unknown character, g) create a global panic that induces populations to line up for an experimental vaxx with unknown components h) then move to a strategy of a stealth physical assault using bioweapons that come in an injection form that slowly kill off vast amounts of global populations. So glad and relieved this is just a war game scenario, much of which is described in a Chinese military manual called Unrestricted Warfare (1999), and none of this, according to network media, is actually happening.
Futurists are offering two similar but totally different worlds, and the decisions to be made are coming very soon with nothing in between. Plan A offers guarantees of security and a base monthly allowance to survive on. Essentially, it comes under the banner of equity for all and called The Global Reset. This is not to be confused with equal opportunity for all as that motto has been discarded. Instead, the principle relies on government and world's richest elites --(see MONOPOLY – Who owns the world video? or a condensed version, Know Thy Enemy), controlling all as a global plutocracy-- with a handful of elites controlling the means of production and distribution and allegedly split into equal parts to the population at large. For starters, there will be no single family homes as apartment units are distributed equally based on size of household, which in turn, will be dictated by government Already, the Federal government is dictating to local governments what can and cannot be built in their communities, and the movement afoot is to allow multi-family units in single family zoned areas (see July 10, 2020 article below). Ultimately one of the elite creators of this plan , Klaus Schwab, summed it up. By 2030, "you will own nothing and be happy." Transhumanism is part of their agenda, promising you will be smarter with nano robotic implants allowing access to the internet of things. Problem there it is a two way street and the system has access to your brain and functions. And then there is Plan B, part of which has already begun, and will revolutionize existing structures of centralized control (generically called devolution) and produce new freedom as sovereign people, not chattel property under the old system, localized government functions, secret technologies unveiled, creating prosperity the world over. But the first step is clearing out the old guard who have been in control for centuries, which could get somewhat messy, but all John Q. Public has to do for now is just stay alert and say No to the old guard and their suppressive moves.
With recent government mandates for forced vaccinations that are clearly documented to kill or maim (VAERS reports over 12,000 deaths and 14,000 permanent injuries as 7-30-21--click here for latest figures, and some estimate around 50,000 or more because the system is voluntary reporting), this all happening even when the cure rate from the virus symptoms since the beginning of the so-called pandemic stands at 99.5- to 99.98% depending on age and immunity system. Bottom line is death from COVID-19 is no greater than a bad season of the flu. In fact, John Hopkins study of 48,000 cases recently found that there were zero deaths from COVID-19 for healthy children and simple solutions like HCQ cure it, yet government vaccine mandates are being announced for teachers and public workers. This despite international laws that go back to Nuremberg in the '40s that require "knowledgeable" consent. Mask mandates are back even though CDC said they were ineffective over a year ago. Biologists say this isn't a vaccine but actually more like a biological operating system. This main street (as opposed to Wall Street) fear is showing up in latest consumer confidence report, suddenly plunging to the lowest level of 04/2020 with the COVID initial scare. Just days ago, Wall Street analysts were honing in on key questions like: will it keep rising amid COVID variant rise? While that might be a legitimate question if a variant could actually be identified, or even COVID-19 itself, but the CDC admitted recently their PCR tests can't even differentiate between a cold or flu, or COVID-19, nor has the actual virus ever been isolated in the lab. Ask any lab technician if they can run a computer test for a specific antigen/virus when they don't have the sample, called the Standard, and the answer is " no."
Believe it or not, Australians are facing their 5th quarantine and it's all about saving lives, or is it? The W.H.O. lists 948 deaths from COVID-19 in all of Australia since the beginning of the virus--and who knows, those could be all pneumonia deaths. In comparison, there were 3,300 Ausie deaths from accidental falls in 2020. This just in: "An Australian man says he was forcibly imprisoned in a mental asylum for having a “different opinion” on COVID." So you think that Australian case can’t happen here and we nowhere near this precipice? It already has by way of Executive Order #83 signed by the Tennessee Governor, and no doubt will be duplicated in Blue states like California shortly. In this Executive Order just signed they mix in a COVID emergency to address over-crowding, and includes mentally disturbed individuals. This order suspends professional licenses and allows students to fill the needs, like ambulance drivers (Gestapo vans in Nazi days?). #7 section covers recruitment to cope with emergencies due to alleged overcrowding of care facilities (this a re-run of last year network news footage of phony lines of people in front of hospital only to find the next morning an empty lobby, and fake “temporary morgue” snapshot by NBC found to be taken out of a movie scene, to cold trucks awaiting to carry away all the bodies, without any bodies. Crisis actors wearing doctor and nurses uniforms—fool me once, you say? #8 Utilize the National Guard to implement compliance. #14 Authorize telephone assessment for involuntary commitment cases (see Australia story above). #18 Construction temporary facilities for these involuntary commitment cases. Now is this not a throwback to Nazi separation of families and internment camps? They already have FEMA camps built years ago and open and ready for business. The evolution of this line of thinking goes back to eugenics and belief in the evolution of natural (or in this case, manmade) selection of superior groups. That massive media green screen Wall Street and many others see as their background showing gently rolling pastures disguises the fact they too are standing on a precipice. In reality, there's been a war against the peoples of the U.S. and other nation states for decades, a covert war that first stripped away manufacturing base, that created large trade deficits and dependencies on places like China . This asymmetrical warfare now being waged now becomes visible as cyber warfare on energy and supply chains of food and equipment, hyper-printing of currency that leads to hyperinflation, control of the flow of information, of energy, health, water and foodstuffs, large border intrusions, monitoring individual movements by requiring autos to be equipped with monitors (in the pending Federal legislation) creating policies identifying political opponents as potential domestic terrorists--and therefore mentally unstable, and even weather modification systems (see HAARP) that destroy food crops with floods and droughts, and fires (see DEWs that incinerate buildings and leave green trees standing in their wake, and melted car wind shields requiring twice the heat of a wild fire) , massive election fraud to destabilize and control governmental bodies, and now a bio-weapon to disable the global population. Unlike a conventional war or revolution, this is an insurrection, and an expanded covert global war launched with infiltration from within each country. People in high and influential places in each country and institutions are bribed and coerced. When some kid yells "the Emperor has no clothes..and he’s not even the ruler," or some such dream awakening moment, what happens when the markets come to and find themselves standing at a precipice with the media green screen of gentle rolling pastures removed, and staring down a 3,000 foot drop? It might just be that Black Monday moment of jumping back in fear. But John Q. sees a different picture: nothing but blue skies ahead as a Leftist tyrannical regime gets pushed down into the abyss.
"Devolution" is a system and the guiding hand behind this push down the abyss: under continuity of government rules established in 1988, E.O. 12656 a national security threat can trigger this for the military to take appropriate action. In generic terms, it is also can involve decentralized transfer of power and decision-making to regional and local governments and likely becomes the talk of town halls in the future. As a new system is borne, replacing the Petro Dollar with a gold-backed "Treasury Note" (swapping out the Federal Reserve Note Dollar for Dollar, and involves a totally decentralized digital currency controlled by the individual owner). Once order is restored, the markets will fall right into that Gate # 3 ride option described below. The first sign of the switch-over to this QFS is a momentary internet shut down to link the thousands of Star-Link satellites creating a whole new financial system that $freezes$ out all bad actor infiltrators around the world, and introduces revolutionary technology that uplifts the global population. Now that all seems quite a dream, but indications are that this paradigm shift is right around the corner.
Apparently we've come a long way from working in a coal mine (and the song that describes the agony) and now talking about mining digital coins. A computer mouse is the substitute for a pick axe and shovel. Yes, it's a lot of work--but all done by the seat of your pants in front of a computer terminal with as many breaks as you want. A digital miner isn't thinking about shoveling coal, but more like gold. His/her job is to basically audit a block of data, called a block chain (1MB in size), to make sure there are no duplicate coins being sold, with the prospect of earning over $400,000 when doing a number of these, but only if you are the first to complete the task of guessing what the new block chain number would be and necessarily a number less than existing block chain numbers. With millions of potential miners and only one winner guessing the closest number to a 64 digit number, the need for a large excavator is necessary. In the computerized world, that's a machine that might cost $10,000 to compute number strings very rapidly. Old fashion panning for gold seems a more attractive alternative. The hallmark of this massive audit system by individuals is not what the global controllers of currency like to see happen as one can imagine.
The downside is that these coins are only as valuable as what the next person will pay for it, as there is no tangible asset attached to it. Don't look now but a new system backed by precious metals is about to sweep the world--but won't materialize until all systems are a go. For now, look to the stars, or more specifically, Starlink.
The future is now: block chain securitized digital coins in real estate transactions. While bit-coin and its many cousins have no real tangible asset basis other than what you can sell to the next bidder, there’s a new version on the digital coin currency backed by real assets. Now recall chain letters back in the 80’s with the promise of many checks coming to you if you will send a check to a few above you, and you’ll get multitudes sending you money below you, depending on your position in the chain letter. If you fail to send, you ruin that portion of the chain. Being one of the first on this inverted pyramid definitely beats being the last—and also considered illegal (the only legal pyramid scheme currently operating is called Social Security, where receipt ants are dependent on contributions from the many below—whose numbers unfortunately are smaller than the current receipt ants). The first asset-backed block chain digital coin will now be on display and backed by the assets of a mixed-use condo/commercial project in Miami. Imagine for a moment if tax rules of the game on capital gains disappeared involving the buying and selling digital coins of any sort—just an account that either grows or shrinks in value. You sell it and decide which new coin you want. Like a money-market account where you park your Dollars today, instead you park them into another asset-back digital coin called the U.S. Treasury Note backed by gold, where you use it to pay your bills and purchase your daily needs. This coin can also be converted to any nation’s asset-backed digital coin-- the value of that nation’s coin being dependent on GDP and population. Yes, population is an asset, but it is largely measured by the productivity of the population (ie, populations just sitting on their duff collecting government digital coins without producing anything of value would translate to a coin worth less over time). This new system on the drawing boards is dubbed Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the main hallmarks are that a) it has the smarts (quantum computing) that can root out bad money in circulation and only accept and convert legally earned domestic and foreign currencies of each person (illegal assets are seized and redistributed) and b) all accounts are individually controlled by the holder without government or other bureaucratic involvement. This cuts out a huge layer of middle-men handlers, who historically have done a very poor job of handling other people’s money, raising and lowering interest rates, manipulating markets, and printing endless notes that erode in value (these days, the Feds can just add a decimal point to expand money supply). This is far different from the financial reset plans of the globalists who would control the digital currency. Some say this QFS is far beyond a conceptual level and running parallel with existing monetary systems, ready to be activated on a global scale when the legalities and conditions are ripe.
Future Real Estate add in 2033: Looking for new space, but not interested in an exploratory trip to Mars? This is one of many planned unit developments (see disclaimer*) called Oasis Gardens springing up down under in downtown Lower Manhattan project (and we do mean “down under”). Escape the hustle and bustle and go to new depths with us. Featuring a perfected climate controlled environment full of miles and miles of rivers, and lakes, and valleys and streams, and beautiful sunsets, together with a variety of simulated cityscapes like Venice, Italy where gondolas roam and take you through unique venues like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and finest of Italian restaurants. Have an appointment in our Los Angeles business center? You need only 40 minutes travel time from NYC as we link our underground rail system that travels on a cushion of air and in a vacuum that allows speeds up to 1000 mph. A similar electro-magnet air cushion ride also takes you up and away shopping along the old Park and 5th Ave venues, and returns you effortlessly 5 miles beneath ground level to your unit.
*(These are reconditioned deep underground military bases, aka D.U.M.B.s. with decommissioning process having started in 2021. All efforts have been made to remove munitions and weapons, but we cannot guarantee this).